Monday, March 16, 2009

Baby Bjorn

We finally were able to go outside for a walk here in freezing Utah!  Joshy really loves his Baby Bjorn and so do I!  It helps me to burn a lot more calories than I could otherwise.  


Crystal Copeland said...

We LOVED ours! It's a must have I think!

Sally said...

I put Livia in it around the house when she is insistent that I carry her and I still need to get things done. They are great. And I love his cute little pram! Sam had one, but it was a lighter brown... so cute.

Emily said...

That is pretty cool! Your looking as beautiful as ever!

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

Wow! he's getting so tall!
I absolutely love ours too.. We've been using it since he was a couple weeks old. It always puts him right to sleep!
Isn't it so nice to be able to get outside? I bet the babies love it as much as we do! :)