Friday, April 17, 2009

4 month checkup

This baby boy has gotten so big and chunky!  We went to the doctor today for his 4 month visit and I was dreading it!  After his 2 month shots, I was traumatized and he really had a hard rest of the day.  But today Josh was such a big boy.  He did cry for a few minutes, but after a nap at home, he seemed to feel much better and has been giving us lots of smiles.  :)  

So here are his stats:
Head Circumference:  42 = 37th Percentile
Height:  25.75 inches = 74th Percentile
Weight:  16 lbs. 3 oz. = 70th Percentile
He's a big tall boy with a little head I guess!


Paula Hinckley said...

He is a cutie-pie big, tall boy with a little head!!! We know he's not a Copeland!!(Love all you Copelands!)

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

Holy cow.. we went to Miles appt a couple days ago and he's only 13 pounds and 24 inches! Isn't that insane since they were sooo different at birth? Miles has only gained 4 pounds since birth and Josh has gained like 10! Crazy!!!

laurie coleman photography said...

Our kids are usually exactly the opposite; short and small with a huge head!

Sally said...

wow, you got that chunky thing right. at livia's SIX month checkup she was only 13 lbs 4 oz! girls are usually smaller but not by that much! he could eat her for lunch!

Lindsay said...

Wow I guess he really is a big boy! He sure likes his milkshakes!

Daniel Westover said...

He's the oposite of Eden: small head and tall body. Eden has a short body (although it definitely can't be called small) and a huge noggin.

Katina Angola said...

That's what makes him so cute!